#include <gameConnection_ScriptBinding.h>
Inherits NetConnection.
◆ activateGhosting()
void activateGhosting |
( |
| ) |
Use the activateGhosting method to GameConnection instance to start ghosting objects to the client. This is called on each client connection by the server.
- Returns
- No return value.
- See also
- resetGhosting
◆ delete()
void delete |
( |
[ reason ] ? |
| ) |
Use the delete method to destroy and disconnect the current connection, giving an optional reason. If reason is specified, it will be transmitted to the client/server on the other end of the connection.
- Parameters
reason | A string explaining while the connection is being severed. |
- Returns
- No return value
◆ getServerConnection()
static Integer getServerConnection |
( |
| ) |
static |
Get the server connection if any.
◆ resetGhosting()
Use the resetGhosting method to reset ghosting. This in effect tells the server to resend each ghost to insure that all objects which should be ghosts and are in fact ghosted.
- Returns
- No return value.
- See also
- activateGhosting
◆ setConnectArgs()
void setConnectArgs |
( |
name |
, |
[arg1, ..., arg15 ] ? |
) |
| |
Use the setConnectArgs method to set the connection arguments for this client-side GameConnection. These values will be passed to the server upon establishing a connection.
- Parameters
name | Generally, the first argument is the name of the player. |
arg1 | ... , arg15 - 15 additional arguments may be passed. |
- Returns
- No return value.
- See also
- setJoinPassword
◆ setJoinPassword()
void setJoinPassword |
( |
password |
| ) |
Use the setJoinPassword method to set the password required to connect to this server-side GameConnection. Pass a NULL string to clear the password.
- Parameters
password | A string representing the case insensitive password to use for this server-side GameConnection. |
- Returns
- No return value.
- See also
- setConnectArgs