TorqueScript Reference
Public Member Functions | List of all members
ParticleAssetEmitter Class Reference

#include <ParticleAssetEmitter_ScriptBinding.h>

Inherits SimObject.

Public Member Functions

Integer addDataKey (time, value)
Boolean clearDataKeys ()
void deselectField ()
Float getAlignedAngleOffset ()
Float getAlphaTest ()
String getAnimation ()
Boolean getAttachPositionToEmitter ()
Boolean getAttachRotationToEmitter ()
Boolean getBlendMode ()
String getDataKey (keyIndex)
Integer getDataKeyCount ()
String getDstBlendFactor ()
Float getEmitterAngle ()
String getEmitterName ()
String getEmitterOffset ()
String getEmitterSize ()
String getEmitterType ()
Float getFieldValue (time)
Float getFixedAngleOffset ()
Boolean getFixedAspect ()
Float getFixedForceAngle ()
String getImage ()
Integer getImageFrame ()
Boolean getIntenseParticles ()
Boolean getIsTargeting ()
Boolean getKeepAligned ()
Boolean getLinkEmissionRotation ()
Float getMaxTime ()
Float getMaxValue ()
Float getMinTime ()
Float getMinValue ()
String getNamedImageFrame ()
Boolean getOldestInFront ()
String getOrientationType ()
String getOwner ()
 Particle emitter accessors.
String getPivotPoint ()
Float getRandomAngleOffset ()
Float getRandomArc ()
Boolean getRandomImageFrame ()
Float getRepeatTime ()
Integer getSelectableFieldCount ()
 Particle emitter fields.
String getSelectableFieldName (fieldIndex)
Boolean getSelectedField ()
Boolean getSingleParticle ()
String getSrcBlendFactor ()
String getTargetPosition ()
Float getValueScale ()
Boolean isUsingNamedImageFrame ()
Boolean removeDataKey (keyIndex)
Boolean selectField (fieldName)
void setAlignedAngleOffset (alignAngleOffset)
void setAlphaTest (float alpha)
Boolean setAnimation (animationAssetId)
void setAttachPositionToEmitter (attachPositionToEmitter)
void setAttachRotationToEmitter (attachRotationToEmitter)
void setBlendMode (blendMode)
Boolean setDataKeyValue (keyIndex, value)
void setDstBlendFactor (dstBlend)
void setEmitterAngle (angle)
void setEmitterName (emitterName)
void setEmitterOffset (float X/float Y)
void setEmitterSize (width/height)
void setEmitterType (emitterType)
void setFixedAngleOffset (randomAngle)
void setFixedAspect (fixedAspect)
void setFixedForceAngle (fixedForceAngle)
Boolean setImage (imageAssetId, [frame])
Boolean setImageFrame (frame)
void setIntenseParticles (intenseParticles)
void setIsTargeting (target)
void setKeepAligned (keepAligned)
void setLinkEmissionRotation (linkEmissionRotation)
Boolean setNamedImageFrame (frame)
void setOldestInFront (oldestInFront)
void setOrientationType (orientationType)
void setPivotPoint (pivotX/pivotY)
void setRandomAngleOffset (randomAngle)
void setRandomArc (randomArc)
void setRandomImageFrame (randomImageFrame)
Boolean setRepeatTime (repeatTime)
Integer setSingleDataKey (value)
void setSingleParticle (singleParticle)
void setSrcBlendFactor (srcBlend)
void setTargetPosition (float X/float Y)
Boolean setValueScale (valueScale)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SimObject
void assignFieldsFrom (SimObject)
Integer clone ([copyDynamicFields=false]?)
void delete ()
Integer getId ()
void setName (newName)
String getName ()
String getClassNamespace ()
String getSuperClassNamespace ()
void setClassNamespace (nameSpace)
void setSuperClassNamespace ()
Boolean isMethod (string methodName)
String call (methodName, [args] *)
void dumpClassHierarchy ()
void dump ()
Boolean isMemberOfClass (string classname)
String getClassName ()
String getFieldValue (fieldName)
Boolean setFieldValue (fieldName, value)
Boolean setEditFieldValue (fieldName, value)
Integer getDynamicFieldCount ()
String getDynamicField (index)
Integer getFieldCount ()
String getField (int index)
void setProgenitorFile (file)
String getProgenitorFile ()
Integer getType ()
String getFieldType (fieldName)
void setInternalName (string InternalName)
String getInternalName ()
Boolean isChildOfGroup (groupID)
Integer getGroup ()
Boolean startTimer (callbackFunction, float timePeriod, [repeat]?)
void stopTimer ()
Boolean isTimerActive ()
Integer schedule (time, command, [arg] *)
void startListening (SimObject)
void stopListening (SimObject)
void addListener (SimObject)
void removeListener (SimObject)
void removeAllListeners ()
void postEvent (String eventName, String data)
Boolean save (fileName, [selectedOnly]?)
void addFieldFilter (fieldName)
void removeFieldFilter (fieldName)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addDataKey()

Integer addDataKey ( time  ,

Add Data-Key to Graph.

timeThe key time.
valueThe value at specified time
Returns the index of the new data-key or -1 on failure.

◆ clearDataKeys()

Boolean clearDataKeys ( )

Clears all data-key(s) from the field.

Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ deselectField()

void deselectField ( )

Deselect any selected field. If no field is selected then nothing happens.

No return value.

◆ getAlignedAngleOffset()

Float getAlignedAngleOffset ( )

Gets the aligned angle offset.

The aligned angle offset.

◆ getAlphaTest()

Float getAlphaTest ( )

Gets the render alpha test threshold.

The render alpha test threshold in the range of 0.0f to 1.0. Less than zero represents disabled alpha testing.

◆ getAnimation()

String getAnimation ( )

Gets the asset Id of the animation asset assigned to the emitter.

The asset Id of the animation asset assigned to the emitter or nothing if no animation is assigned.

◆ getAttachPositionToEmitter()

Boolean getAttachPositionToEmitter ( )

Get Attach-Position-To-Emitter Flag.

◆ getAttachRotationToEmitter()

Boolean getAttachRotationToEmitter ( )

Get Attach-Rotation-To-Emitter Flag.

◆ getBlendMode()

Boolean getBlendMode ( )

Gets whether to use render blending or not.

Whether to use render blending or not.

◆ getDataKey()

String getDataKey ( keyIndex  )

Gets the data-key at the specified index from the field.

keyIndexThe index of the data-key to be retrieved.
The data-key comprising both the time and value or nothing if the key is invalid.

◆ getDataKeyCount()

Integer getDataKeyCount ( )

Gets the data-key count.

The number of data-keys in the currently selected field or -1 if no field is selected.

◆ getDstBlendFactor()

String getDstBlendFactor ( )

Gets the destination render blend factor.

(dstBlend) The destination render blend factor.

◆ getEmitterAngle()

Float getEmitterAngle ( )

Gets the emitter angle.

(float angle) The emitter's current angle.

◆ getEmitterName()

String getEmitterName ( )

Gets the name of the emitter.

The name of the emitter.

◆ getEmitterOffset()

String getEmitterOffset ( )

Gets the emitter offset position.

(float x/float y) The offset of the emitter relative to the effect or player position.

◆ getEmitterSize()

String getEmitterSize ( )

Gets the emitter size.

(float width/float height) The width and height of the emitter.

◆ getEmitterType()

String getEmitterType ( )

Gets the type of the emitter.

The type of the emitter.

◆ getFieldValue()

Float getFieldValue ( time  )

Get the fields' value at the specified time.

timeThe time to sample the field value at.
The fields' value at the specified time or always 0.0 if no field is selected.

◆ getFixedAngleOffset()

Float getFixedAngleOffset ( )

Get Fixed-Orientation Angle-Offset.

◆ getFixedAspect()

Boolean getFixedAspect ( )

Gets whether the emitter uses a fixed-aspect for particles or not.

Whether the emitter uses a fixed-aspect for particles or not.

◆ getFixedForceAngle()

Float getFixedForceAngle ( )

Gets the emitter fixed-force angle for particles.

The fixed-force angle for particles.

◆ getImage()

String getImage ( )

Gets the asset Id of the image asset assigned to the emitter.

The asset Id of the image asset assigned to the emitter or nothing if no image is assigned.

◆ getImageFrame()

Integer getImageFrame ( )

Gets the frame index of the image asset assigned to the emitter.

The frame index of the image asset assigned to the emitter or nothing if no image is assigned.

◆ getIntenseParticles()

Boolean getIntenseParticles ( )

Get Intense-Particles Flag.

◆ getIsTargeting()

Boolean getIsTargeting ( )

Gets whether the emitter targets a point.

True if the emitter uses a target for particles.

◆ getKeepAligned()

Boolean getKeepAligned ( )

Gets whether to keep emitted particles aligned or not.

Whether to keep emitted particles aligned or not.

◆ getLinkEmissionRotation()

Boolean getLinkEmissionRotation ( )

Get Link-Emission-Rotation Flag.

◆ getMaxTime()

Float getMaxTime ( )

Get the maximum time for the field.

The maximum time for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.

◆ getMaxValue()

Float getMaxValue ( )

Get the maximum value for the field.

The maximum value for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.

◆ getMinTime()

Float getMinTime ( )

Get the minimum time for the field.

The minimum time for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.

◆ getMinValue()

Float getMinValue ( )

Get the minimum value for the field.

The minimum value for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.

◆ getNamedImageFrame()

String getNamedImageFrame ( )

Gets the asset Id of the image asset assigned to the emitter.

The asset Id of the image asset assigned to the emitter or nothing if no image is assigned.

◆ getOldestInFront()

Boolean getOldestInFront ( )

Gets whether to render particles as oldest on front or not.

Whether to render particles as oldest on front or not.

◆ getOrientationType()

String getOrientationType ( )

Gets the orientation-type of the emitter.

The orientation-type of the emitter.

◆ getOwner()

String getOwner ( )

Particle emitter accessors.

Gets the asset owner of the emitter.

The asset owner of the emitter or nothing if no owner assigned.

◆ getPivotPoint()

String getPivotPoint ( )

Get Pivot-Point.

◆ getRandomAngleOffset()

Float getRandomAngleOffset ( )

Get Random-Orientation Angle-Offset.

◆ getRandomArc()

Float getRandomArc ( )

Get Random-Orientation Arc.

◆ getRandomImageFrame()

Boolean getRandomImageFrame ( )

Gets whether a random frame from the specified ImageAsset is being used or not.

Whether to use a random image frame or not.

◆ getRepeatTime()

Float getRepeatTime ( )

Gets the time period that the fields' value repeat (cycle) at.

The time period that the fields' value repeat (cycle) at.

◆ getSelectableFieldCount()

Integer getSelectableFieldCount ( )

Particle emitter fields.

Gets the number of available selectable fields.

The number of available selectable fields.

◆ getSelectableFieldName()

String getSelectableFieldName ( fieldIndex  )

Gets the selectable field at the specified index.

The selectable field name at the specified index.

◆ getSelectedField()

Boolean getSelectedField ( )

Gets the selected field name or nothing if no field is selected.

The selected field name or nothing if no fields is selected.

◆ getSingleParticle()

Boolean getSingleParticle ( )

Get Single-Particle Flag.

◆ getSrcBlendFactor()

String getSrcBlendFactor ( )

Gets the source render blend factor.

(srcBlend) The source render blend factor.

◆ getTargetPosition()

String getTargetPosition ( )

Gets the emitter target position.

(float x/float y) The position of the target of the emitter.

◆ getValueScale()

Float getValueScale ( )

Gets the scaling of field values' retrieved from the field.

The scaling of field values' retrieved from the field.

◆ isUsingNamedImageFrame()

Boolean isUsingNamedImageFrame ( )

Gets whether the emitter is using a numerical or named image frame.

Returns true when using a named frame, false when using a numerical index.

◆ removeDataKey()

Boolean removeDataKey ( keyIndex  )

Remove the data-key from the field.

keyIndexThe index of the data-key you want to remove.
Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ selectField()

Boolean selectField ( fieldName  )

Select the specified field by its name.

fieldNameThe field name to use for the selection. Use an empty name to deselect to stop accidental changes.
Whether the field was successfully selected or not.

◆ setAlignedAngleOffset()

void setAlignedAngleOffset ( alignAngleOffset  )

Sets the aligned angle offset.

alignAngleOffsetThe aligned angle offset.
No return value.

◆ setAlphaTest()

void setAlphaTest ( float  alpha)

Set the render alpha test threshold.

alphaThe alpha test threshold in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. Less than zero to disable alpha testing.
No return value.

◆ setAnimation()

Boolean setAnimation ( animationAssetId  )

Sets the emitter to use the specified animation asset Id.

animationAssetIdThe animation asset Id to use.
Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ setAttachPositionToEmitter()

void setAttachPositionToEmitter ( attachPositionToEmitter  )

Set Attach-Position-To-Emitter Flag.

◆ setAttachRotationToEmitter()

void setAttachRotationToEmitter ( attachRotationToEmitter  )

Set Attach-Rotation-To-Emitter Flag.

◆ setBlendMode()

void setBlendMode ( blendMode  )

Sets whether to use render blending or not.

blendModeWhether to use render blending or not.
No return value.

◆ setDataKeyValue()

Boolean setDataKeyValue ( keyIndex  ,

Set data-key value for the field.

keyIndexThe index of the key to be modified.
valueThe value to change the key to.
Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ setDstBlendFactor()

void setDstBlendFactor ( dstBlend  )

Sets the destination render blend factor.

dstBlendThe destination render blend factor.
No return Value.

◆ setEmitterAngle()

void setEmitterAngle ( angle  )

Sets the emitter angle.

angleThe angle of the emitter.
No return value.

◆ setEmitterName()

void setEmitterName ( emitterName  )

Sets the name of the emitter.

emitterNameThe name to set the emitter to.
No return value.

◆ setEmitterOffset()

void setEmitterOffset ( float X/float  Y)

Offsets the position of the emitter relative to the effect or player position.

No return value.

◆ setEmitterSize()

void setEmitterSize ( width/  height)

Sets the emitter size.

widthThe width of the emitter.
heightThe height of the emitter.
No return value.

◆ setEmitterType()

void setEmitterType ( emitterType  )

Sets the type of the emitter.

emitterTypeThe type to set the emitter. Either 'POINT', 'LINE', 'BOX' or 'DISK', 'ELLIPSE' or 'TORUS'. An emitter-type of 'POINT' creates the particles at the position of the particle asset. An emitter-type of 'LINE' creates the particles along a line defined by the particle width. An emitter-type of 'BOX' creates the particles within the dimensions defined by the particle size. An emitter-type of 'DISK' creates the particles within a disk with radii defined by the particle size. An emitter-type of 'ELLIPSE' creates the particles on an ellipse with the radii defined by the particle size. An emitter-type of 'TORUS' creates the particles within a torus with a maximum and minimum radii defined by the particle width and height respectively.
No return value.

◆ setFixedAngleOffset()

void setFixedAngleOffset ( randomAngle  )

Set Fixed-Orientation Angle-Offset.

◆ setFixedAspect()

void setFixedAspect ( fixedAspect  )

Sets the emitter to used a fixed-aspect for particles.

fixedAspectWhether to use a fixed-aspect or not.
No return value.

◆ setFixedForceAngle()

void setFixedForceAngle ( fixedForceAngle  )

Sets the emitter fixed-force angle for particles.

fixedForceAngleThe fixed-force angle for particles.
No return value.

◆ setImage()

Boolean setImage ( imageAssetId  )

Sets the emitter to use the specified image asset Id and optional frame.

imageAssetIdThe image asset Id to use.
frameThe frame of the image asset Id to use. Optional.
Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ setImageFrame()

Boolean setImageFrame ( frame  )

Sets the emitter to use the specified numerical image frame.

frameThe frame index of the image to use..
Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ setIntenseParticles()

void setIntenseParticles ( intenseParticles  )

Set Intense-Particles Flag.

◆ setIsTargeting()

void setIsTargeting ( target  )

Sets if the emitter targets a point.

targetThe point that the emitter's particles will be drawn to.
No return value.

◆ setKeepAligned()

void setKeepAligned ( keepAligned  )

Sets whether to keep emitted particles aligned or not. @keepAligned Whether to keep emitted particles aligned or not.

No return value.

◆ setLinkEmissionRotation()

void setLinkEmissionRotation ( linkEmissionRotation  )

Set Link-Emission-Rotation Flag.

◆ setNamedImageFrame()

Boolean setNamedImageFrame ( frame  )

Sets the emitter to use the specified image frame by name.

frameString containing the name of the frame in the image to use.
Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ setOldestInFront()

void setOldestInFront ( oldestInFront  )

Sets whether to render particles as oldest on front or not.

oldestInFrontWhether to render particles as oldest on front or not.
No return value.

◆ setOrientationType()

void setOrientationType ( orientationType  )

Sets the orientation-type of the emitter.

orientationTypeThe orientation-type to set the emitter to. Either 'FIXED', 'ALIGNED' or 'RANDOM'. An orientation-type of 'FIXED' causes the particles to be orientation at a fixed angle. An orientation-type of 'ALIGNED' causes the particles to be orientation at the current emission angle. An orientation-type of 'RANDOM' causes the particles to be orientation at a fixed angle.
No return value.

◆ setPivotPoint()

void setPivotPoint ( pivotX/  pivotY)

Set the Pivot-Point.

◆ setRandomAngleOffset()

void setRandomAngleOffset ( randomAngle  )

Set Random-Orientation Angle-Offset.

◆ setRandomArc()

void setRandomArc ( randomArc  )

Set Random-Orientation Arc.

◆ setRandomImageFrame()

void setRandomImageFrame ( randomImageFrame  )

Disables the Frame and NamedFrame fields and uses a random frame from the specified ImageAsset.

randomImageFrameWhether to use a random image frame or not.
No return value.

◆ setRepeatTime()

Boolean setRepeatTime ( repeatTime  )

Sets the time period to repeat (cycle) the fields' values at.

Whether the operation was successful or not.

◆ setSingleDataKey()

Integer setSingleDataKey ( value  )

Sets a single data-key at time-zero with the specified value. All existing keys are cleared.

valueThe value to set the key to.
Returns the index of the new data-key (always zero) or -1 on failure.

◆ setSingleParticle()

void setSingleParticle ( singleParticle  )

Set Single-Particle Flag.

◆ setSrcBlendFactor()

void setSrcBlendFactor ( srcBlend  )

Sets the source blend factory.

srcBlendThe source blend factor.
No return Value.

◆ setTargetPosition()

void setTargetPosition ( float X/float  Y)

◆ setValueScale()

Boolean setValueScale ( valueScale  )

Set the scaling of field values retrieved from the field. This does not alter the actual data-key values.

valueScaleThe scale for field values retrieved from the field.
Whether the operation was successful or not.