#include <ParticleAsset_ScriptBinding.h>
Inherits AssetBase.
Integer | addDataKey (time, value) |
Boolean | addEmitter (emitterId) |
Boolean | clearDataKeys () |
void | clearEmitters () |
String | createEmitter () |
| Emitter asset methods.
void | deselectField () |
Integer | findEmitter (emitterName) |
String | getDataKey (keyIndex) |
Integer | getDataKeyCount () |
Integer | getEmitter (emitterIndex) |
Integer | getEmitterCount () |
Float | getFieldValue (time) |
String | getLifeMode () |
Float | getLifetime () |
Float | getMaxTime () |
Float | getMaxValue () |
Float | getMinTime () |
Float | getMinValue () |
Float | getRepeatTime () |
Integer | getSelectableFieldCount () |
| Particle asset fields.
String | getSelectableFieldName (fieldIndex) |
String | getSelectedField () |
Float | getValueScale () |
void | moveEmitter (fromEmitterIndex, toEmitterIndex) |
Boolean | removeDataKey (keyIndex) |
Boolean | removeEmitter (emitterId, [bool deleteEmitter]) |
Boolean | selectField (fieldName) |
Boolean | setDataKeyValue (keyIndex, value) |
void | setLifeMode (lifeMode) |
| Particle asset accessors.
void | setLifetime (lifeTime) |
Boolean | setRepeatTime (repeatTime) |
Integer | setSingleDataKey (value) |
Boolean | setValueScale (valueScale) |
String | getAssetId () |
void | refreshAsset () |
void | assignFieldsFrom (SimObject) |
Integer | clone ([copyDynamicFields=false]?) |
void | delete () |
Integer | getId () |
void | setName (newName) |
String | getName () |
String | getClassNamespace () |
String | getSuperClassNamespace () |
void | setClassNamespace (nameSpace) |
void | setSuperClassNamespace () |
Boolean | isMethod (string methodName) |
String | call (methodName, [args] *) |
void | dumpClassHierarchy () |
void | dump () |
Boolean | isMemberOfClass (string classname) |
String | getClassName () |
String | getFieldValue (fieldName) |
Boolean | setFieldValue (fieldName, value) |
Boolean | setEditFieldValue (fieldName, value) |
Integer | getDynamicFieldCount () |
String | getDynamicField (index) |
Integer | getFieldCount () |
String | getField (int index) |
void | setProgenitorFile (file) |
String | getProgenitorFile () |
Integer | getType () |
String | getFieldType (fieldName) |
void | setInternalName (string InternalName) |
String | getInternalName () |
Boolean | isChildOfGroup (groupID) |
Integer | getGroup () |
Boolean | startTimer (callbackFunction, float timePeriod, [repeat]?) |
void | stopTimer () |
Boolean | isTimerActive () |
Integer | schedule (time, command, [arg] *) |
void | startListening (SimObject) |
void | stopListening (SimObject) |
void | addListener (SimObject) |
void | removeListener (SimObject) |
void | removeAllListeners () |
void | postEvent (String eventName, String data) |
Boolean | save (fileName, [selectedOnly]?) |
void | addFieldFilter (fieldName) |
void | removeFieldFilter (fieldName) |
◆ addDataKey()
Integer addDataKey |
( |
time |
, |
value |
) |
| |
Add Data-Key to Graph.
- Parameters
time | The key time. |
value | The value at specified time |
- Returns
- Returns the index of the new data-key or -1 on failure.
◆ addEmitter()
Adds an existing emitter.
- Parameters
emitterId | The emitter to add. |
- Returns
- On success it returns the ID of the emitter, or 0 if failed.
◆ clearDataKeys()
Clears all data-key(s) from the field.
- Returns
- Whether the operation was successful or not.
◆ clearEmitters()
Clear all the emitters.
- Returns
- No return Value.
◆ createEmitter()
Emitter asset methods.
Creates and add a new emitter.
- Returns
- The new emitter that was added or 0 if failed.
◆ deselectField()
Deselect any selected field. If no field is selected then nothing happens.
- Returns
- No return value.
◆ findEmitter()
Integer findEmitter |
( |
emitterName |
| ) |
Finds the emitter by its name.
- Parameters
emitterName | The name of the desired emitter. |
- Returns
- The emitter or 0 if not found.
◆ getDataKey()
String getDataKey |
( |
keyIndex |
| ) |
Gets the data-key at the specified index from the field.
- Parameters
keyIndex | The index of the data-key to be retrieved. |
- Returns
- The data-key comprising both the time and value or nothing if the key is invalid.
◆ getDataKeyCount()
Gets the data-key count.
- Returns
- The number of data-keys in the currently selected field or -1 if no field is selected.
◆ getEmitter()
Integer getEmitter |
( |
emitterIndex |
| ) |
Gets the emitter at the specified index.
- Parameters
emitterIndex | The index for the desired emitter |
- Returns
- The emitter or 0 if not found.
◆ getEmitterCount()
Gets the emitter count.
- Returns
- Returns the number of emitters as an integer.
◆ getFieldValue()
Float getFieldValue |
( |
time |
| ) |
Get the fields' value at the specified time.
- Parameters
time | The time to sample the field value at. |
- Returns
- The fields' value at the specified time or always 0.0 if no field is selected.
◆ getLifeMode()
Gets the life-mode of the particle effect.
- Returns
- The life-mode of the particle effect.
◆ getLifetime()
Gets the lifetime of the particle effect.
- Returns
- The lifetime of the particle effect.
◆ getMaxTime()
Get the maximum time for the field.
- Returns
- The maximum time for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.
◆ getMaxValue()
Get the maximum value for the field.
- Returns
- The maximum value for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.
◆ getMinTime()
Get the minimum time for the field.
- Returns
- The minimum time for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.
◆ getMinValue()
Get the minimum value for the field.
- Returns
- The minimum value for the field or always 0.0 if no field is selected.
◆ getRepeatTime()
Gets the time period that the fields' value repeat (cycle) at.
- Returns
- The time period that the fields' value repeat (cycle) at.
◆ getSelectableFieldCount()
Integer getSelectableFieldCount |
( |
| ) |
Particle asset fields.
Gets the number of available selectable fields.
- Returns
- The number of available selectable fields.
◆ getSelectableFieldName()
String getSelectableFieldName |
( |
fieldIndex |
| ) |
Gets the selectable field at the specified index.
- Returns
- The selectable field name at the specified index.
◆ getSelectedField()
Gets the selected field name or nothing if no field is selected.
- Returns
- The selected field name or nothing if no fields is selected.
◆ getValueScale()
Gets the scaling of field values' retrieved from the field.
- Returns
- The scaling of field values' retrieved from the field.
◆ moveEmitter()
void moveEmitter |
( |
fromEmitterIndex |
, |
toEmitterIndex |
) |
| |
Moves the emitter order.
- Parameters
fromEmitterIndex | The source index of the emitter to move. |
toEmitterIndex | The destination index to move the emitter to. |
- Returns
- No return value.
◆ removeDataKey()
Remove the data-key from the field.
- Parameters
keyIndex | The index of the data-key you want to remove. |
- Returns
- Whether the operation was successful or not.
◆ removeEmitter()
Boolean removeEmitter |
( |
emitterId |
| ) |
Removes an emitter.
- Parameters
emitterId | The emitter to remove. |
- Returns
- No return value.
◆ selectField()
Select the specified field by its name.
- Parameters
fieldName | The field name to use for the selection. Use an empty name to deselect to stop accidental changes. |
- Returns
- Whether the field was successfully selected or not.
◆ setDataKeyValue()
Boolean setDataKeyValue |
( |
keyIndex |
, |
value |
) |
| |
Set data-key value for the field.
- Parameters
keyIndex | The index of the key to be modified. |
value | The value to change the key to. |
- Returns
- Whether the operation was successful or not.
◆ setLifeMode()
void setLifeMode |
( |
lifeMode |
| ) |
Particle asset accessors.
Sets the life-mode of the particle effect.
- Parameters
lifeMode | The life-mode of the particle effect (either INFINITE, CYCLE, KILL or STOP. A life-mode of INFINITE causes the particle effect to last forever. A life-mode of CYCLE causes the particle effect to restart playing when its specified 'lifetime' has been reached. A life-mode of KILL causes the particle effect to be deleted when its specified 'lifetime' has been reached. A life-mode of STOP causes the particle effect to stop playing (but not be deleted) when its specified lifetime has been reached. |
- Returns
- No return value.
◆ setLifetime()
void setLifetime |
( |
lifeTime |
| ) |
Sets the lifetime of the particle effect.
- Parameters
lifeTime | The lifetime of the particle effect. This is used according to the 'lifeMode' setting. |
- Returns
- No return value.
◆ setRepeatTime()
Boolean setRepeatTime |
( |
repeatTime |
| ) |
Sets the time period to repeat (cycle) the fields' values at.
- Returns
- Whether the operation was successful or not.
◆ setSingleDataKey()
Sets a single data-key at time-zero with the specified value. All existing keys are cleared.
- Parameters
value | The value to set the key to. |
- Returns
- Returns the index of the new data-key (always zero) or -1 on failure.
◆ setValueScale()
Boolean setValueScale |
( |
valueScale |
| ) |
Set the scaling of field values retrieved from the field. This does not alter the actual data-key values.
- Parameters
valueScale | The scale for field values retrieved from the field. |
- Returns
- Whether the operation was successful or not.