TorqueScript Reference
#include <Scene_ScriptBinding.h>
Inherits BehaviorComponent.
Public Member Functions | |
void | add (sceneObject) |
void | addAssetPreload (assetId) |
void | clear ([deleteObjects]) |
void | clearAssetPreloads () |
String | create (type) |
Integer | createDistanceJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [localAnchorA X/Y], [localAnchorB X/Y], [distance], [frequency], [dampingRatio], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createFrictionJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [localAnchorA X/Y], [localAnchorB X/Y], [maxForce], [maxTorque], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createMotorJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [linearOffset X/Y], [angularOffset], [maxForce], [maxTorque], [correctionFactor], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createPrismaticJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, localAnchorA X/Y, localAnchorB X/Y, worldAxis X/Y, [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createPulleyJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, localAnchorA X/Y, localAnchorB X/Y, worldGroundAnchorA X/Y, worldGroundAnchorB X/Y, ratio, [lengthA], [lengthB], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createRevoluteJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [localAnchorA X/Y], [localAnchorB X/Y], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createRopeJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [localAnchorA X/Y], [localAnchorB X/Y], [maxLength], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createTargetJoint (sceneObject, worldTarget X/Y, maxForce, [useCenterOfMass?], [frequency], [dampingRatio], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createWeldJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [localAnchorA X/Y], [localAnchorB X/Y], [frequency], [dampingRatio], [collideConnected]) |
Integer | createWheelJoint (sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, localAnchorA X/Y, localAnchorB X/Y, worldAxis X/Y, [collideConnected]) |
Boolean | deleteJoint (int jointId) |
String | getAssetPreload (index) |
Integer | getAssetPreloadCount () |
Boolean | getBatchingEnabled () |
String | getControllers () |
Integer | getCount () |
String | getDebugOn () |
Integer | getDebugSceneObject () |
Float | getDistanceJointDampingRatio (jointId) |
Float | getDistanceJointFrequency (jointId) |
Float | getDistanceJointLength (jointId) |
Float | getFPS () |
Integer | getFrameCount () |
Float | getFrictionJointMaxForce (jointId) |
Float | getFrictionJointMaxTorque (jointId) |
Integer | getGlobalSceneCount () |
String | getGravity () |
Integer | getJointCount () |
String | getJointType (int jointId) |
String | getLayerSortMode (layer) |
Float | getMaxFPS () |
Float | getMinFPS () |
Float | getMotorJointAngularOffset (jointId) |
String | getMotorJointLinearOffset (jointId) |
Float | getMotorJointMaxForce (jointId) |
Float | getMotorJointMaxTorque (jointId) |
Integer | getObject (sceneObjectIndex) |
Integer | getPositionIterations () |
String | getPrismaticJointLimit (jointId) |
String | getPrismaticJointMotor (jointId) |
Float | getRevoluteJointAngle (jointId) |
String | getRevoluteJointLimit (jointId) |
String | getRevoluteJointMotor (jointId) |
Float | getRevoluteJointSpeed (jointId) |
Float | getRopeJointMaxLength (jointId) |
String | getSceneObjectList () |
Boolean | getScenePause () |
Float | getSceneTime () |
Float | getTargetJointDampingRatio (jointId) |
Float | getTargetJointFrequency (jointId) |
String | getTargetJointTarget (jointId) |
Integer | getVelocityIterations () |
Float | getWeldJointDampingRatio (jointId) |
Float | getWeldJointFrequency (jointId) |
Float | getWheelJointDampingRatio (jointId) |
Float | getWheelJointFrequency (jointId) |
String | getWheelJointMotor (jointId) |
Boolean | isJoint (int jointId) |
void | mergeScene (scene) |
String | pickArea (startx/y, endx/y, [sceneGroupMask], [sceneLayerMask], [pickMode]) |
String | pickCircle (x/y, radius, [sceneGroupMask], [sceneLayerMask], [pickMode]) |
String | pickPoint (x/y, [sceneGroupMask], [sceneLayerMask], [pickMode]) |
String | pickRay (startx/y, endx/y, [sceneGroupMask], [sceneLayerMask], [pickMode]) |
String | pickRayCollision (startx/y, endx/y, [sceneGroupMask], [sceneLayerMask]) |
void | remove (sceneObject) |
void | removeAssetPreload (assetId) |
void | resetDebugStats () |
void | setBatchingEnabled (bool enabled) |
void | setDebugOff (debugOptions) |
void | setDebugOn (debugOptions) |
void | setDebugSceneObject (sceneObject) |
void | setDistanceJointDampingRatio (jointId, dampingRatio) |
void | setDistanceJointFrequency (jointId, frequency) |
void | setDistanceJointLength (jointId, length) |
void | setFrictionJointMaxForce (jointId, maxForce) |
void | setFrictionJointMaxTorque (jointId, maxTorque) |
void | setGravity (forceX/forceY) |
void | setIsEditorScene () |
void | setLayerSortMode (layer, sortMode) |
void | setMotorJointAngularOffset (jointId, angularOffset) |
void | setMotorJointLinearOffset (jointId, linearOffset X/Y) |
void | setMotorJointMaxForce (jointId, maxForce) |
void | setMotorJointMaxTorque (jointId, maxTorque) |
void | setPositionIterations (int iterations) |
void | setPrismaticJointLimit (jointId, enableLimit, [lowerTranslation], [upperTranslation]) |
void | setPrismaticJointMotor (jointId, enableMotor, [motorSpeed], [maxMotorForce]) |
void | setRevoluteJointLimit (jointId, enableLimit, [lowerAngle], [upperAngle]) |
void | setRevoluteJointMotor (jointId, enableMotor, [motorSpeed], [maxMotorTorque]) |
void | setRopeJointMaxLength (jointId, maxLength) |
void | setScenePause (status) |
void | setTargetJointDampingRatio (jointId, dampingRatio) |
void | setTargetJointFrequency (jointId, frequency) |
void | setTargetJointTarget (jointId, worldTarget X/Y) |
void | setVelocityIterations (int iterations) |
void | setWeldJointDampingRatio (jointId, dampingRatio) |
void | setWeldJointFrequency (jointId, frequency) |
void | setWheelJointDampingRatio (jointId, dampingRatio) |
void | setWheelJointFrequency (jointId, frequency) |
void | setWheelJointMotor (jointId, enableMotor, [motorSpeed], [maxMotorTorque]) |
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Boolean | addBehavior (BehaviorInstance bi) |
void | clearBehaviors () |
Boolean | connect (outputBehavior, inputBehavior, outputName, inputName) |
Boolean | disconnect (outputBehavior, inputBehavior, outputName, inputName) |
Integer | getBehavior (string BehaviorTemplateName) |
Integer | getBehaviorByIndex (int index) |
String | getBehaviorConnection (outputBehavior, outputName, connectionIndex) |
Integer | getBehaviorConnectionCount (outputBehavior, outputName) |
Integer | getBehaviorCount () |
Boolean | raise (outputBehavior, outputName, [deltaTime]) |
Boolean | removeBehavior (BehaviorInstance bi, [bool deleteBehavior=true]) |
Boolean | reOrder (BehaviorInstance inst, [int desiredIndex=0]) |
![]() | |
String | callOnBehaviors (methodName, argi) |
![]() | |
Boolean | addComponents (compObjName, compObjName2,...) |
Integer | getComponent (idx) |
Integer | getComponentCount () |
Boolean | isEnabled () |
Boolean | removeComponents (compObjName, compObjName2,...) |
void | setEnabled (enabled) |
![]() | |
void | assignFieldsFrom (SimObject) |
Integer | clone ([copyDynamicFields=false]?) |
void | delete () |
Integer | getId () |
void | setName (newName) |
String | getName () |
String | getClassNamespace () |
String | getSuperClassNamespace () |
void | setClassNamespace (nameSpace) |
void | setSuperClassNamespace () |
Boolean | isMethod (string methodName) |
String | call (methodName, [args] *) |
void | dumpClassHierarchy () |
void | dump () |
Boolean | isMemberOfClass (string classname) |
String | getClassName () |
String | getFieldValue (fieldName) |
Boolean | setFieldValue (fieldName, value) |
Boolean | setEditFieldValue (fieldName, value) |
Integer | getDynamicFieldCount () |
String | getDynamicField (index) |
Integer | getFieldCount () |
String | getField (int index) |
void | setProgenitorFile (file) |
String | getProgenitorFile () |
Integer | getType () |
String | getFieldType (fieldName) |
void | setInternalName (string InternalName) |
String | getInternalName () |
Boolean | isChildOfGroup (groupID) |
Integer | getGroup () |
Boolean | startTimer (callbackFunction, float timePeriod, [repeat]?) |
void | stopTimer () |
Boolean | isTimerActive () |
Integer | schedule (time, command, [arg] *) |
void | startListening (SimObject) |
void | stopListening (SimObject) |
void | addListener (SimObject) |
void | removeListener (SimObject) |
void | removeAllListeners () |
void | postEvent (String eventName, String data) |
Boolean | save (fileName, [selectedOnly]?) |
void | addFieldFilter (fieldName) |
void | removeFieldFilter (fieldName) |
void add | ( | sceneObject | ) |
Add the SceneObject to the scene.
sceneObject | The SceneObject to add to the scene. |
void addAssetPreload | ( | assetId | ) |
Adds the asset Id so that it is preloaded when the scene is loaded. The asset loaded immediately by this operation. Duplicate assets are ignored.
assetId | The asset Id to be added. |
void clear | ( | ) |
Clear the scene of all scene objects.
deleteObjects | A boolean flag that sets whether to delete the objects as well as remove them from the scene (default is true). |
void clearAssetPreloads | ( | ) |
Clears all assets added as a preload.
String create | ( | type | ) |
Creates the specified scene-object derived type and adds it to the scene.
Integer createDistanceJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | |||
) |
Creates a distance joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
distance | The distance the joint should maintain between scene objects. The default is the distance currently between the scene objects. |
frequency | The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 disables softness (default). |
dampingRatio | The damping ratio. 0 = no damping (default), 1 = critical damping. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createFrictionJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | |||
) |
Creates a friction joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
maxForce | The maximum friction force (N). |
maxTorque | The maximum torque force (N-m). |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createMotorJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | |||
) |
Creates a motor joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
linearOffsetX/Y | The linear offset in sceneObjectA space. |
angularOffset | The angularOffset between the bodies. |
maxForce | The maximum friction force (N). |
maxTorque | The maximum torque force (N-m). |
correctionFactor | The correction factor (tolerance). |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createPrismaticJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | , | ||
localAnchorA X/ | Y, | ||
localAnchorB X/ | Y, | ||
worldAxis X/ | Y | ||
) |
Creates a prismatic joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
worldAxis | The world axis defining the translational degree of freedom. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createPulleyJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | , | ||
localAnchorA X/ | Y, | ||
localAnchorB X/ | Y, | ||
worldGroundAnchorA X/ | Y, | ||
worldGroundAnchorB X/ | Y, | ||
ratio | |||
) |
Creates a pulley joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
worldGroundAnchorA | The world point of the first ground anchor. This point never moves. |
worldGroundAnchorB | The world point of the second ground anchor. This point never moves. |
ratio | The pulley ratio used to simulate a block-and-tackle pulley. |
lengthA | The reference pulley length for the segment attached to scene object A. Defaults to the distance between the first scene object and the first ground anchor. |
lengthB | The reference pulley length for the segment attached to scene object B. Defaults to the distance between the second scene object and the second ground anchor. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createRevoluteJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | |||
) |
Creates a revolute joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createRopeJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | |||
) |
Creates a rope joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
maxLength | The maximum rigid length of the rope. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createTargetJoint | ( | sceneObject | , |
worldTarget X/ | Y, | ||
maxForce | |||
) |
Creates a target joint.
sceneObject | The scene object to connect to the joint. |
worldTarget | The world point target to move the scene object to. |
maxForce | The maximum force the joint should use to position the scene object at the target. |
useCenterOfMass | Whether to use the center of mass as the point which the joint is attached or not. Defaults to false. |
frequency | The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 disables softness (default=0.7). |
dampingRatio | The damping ratio. 0 = no damping (default), 1 = critical damping. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createWeldJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | |||
) |
Creates a weld joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
frequency | The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 disables softness (default). |
dampingRatio | The damping ratio. 0 = no damping (default), 1 = critical damping. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Integer createWheelJoint | ( | sceneObjectA | , |
sceneObjectB | , | ||
localAnchorA X/ | Y, | ||
localAnchorB X/ | Y, | ||
worldAxis X/ | Y | ||
) |
Creates a wheel joint.
sceneObjectA | The first scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
sceneObjectB | The second scene object to connect to the joint. Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body. |
localAnchorA | The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects. |
localAnchorB | The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects. |
worldAxis | The world axis of the wheel suspension spring. |
collideConnected | Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint. |
Boolean deleteJoint | ( | int | jointId | ) |
Deletes the specified joint Id.
jointId | The Id of the joint. |
String getAssetPreload | ( | index | ) |
Gets the asset to be preloaded at the specified index.
index | The index of the preloaded asset. |
Integer getAssetPreloadCount | ( | ) |
Gets the number of assets set to preload for this scene.
Boolean getBatchingEnabled | ( | ) |
Gets whether render batching is enabled or not. return Whether render batching is enabled or not.
Integer getCount | ( | ) |
Gets the count of scene objects in the scnee.
String getDebugOn | ( | ) |
Gets the state of the debug modes.
Integer getDebugSceneObject | ( | ) |
( Gets the scene object being monitored in the debug metrics.
Float getDistanceJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getDistanceJointFrequency | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getDistanceJointLength | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the distance the joint should maintain between scene objects.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getFPS | ( | ) |
Gets the current average frames-per-second.
Integer getFrameCount | ( | ) |
Gets the current rendered frame count.
Float getFrictionJointMaxForce | ( | jointId | ) |
Sets the maximum friction force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getFrictionJointMaxTorque | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the maximum torque force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Integer getGlobalSceneCount | ( | ) |
Gets the system-wide scene count.
String getGravity | ( | ) |
Gets the gravity force applied to all objects in the scene.
Integer getJointCount | ( | ) |
Gets the joint count.
String getJointType | ( | int | jointId | ) |
Gets the joint type of the specified joint Id.
jointId | The Id of the joint. |
String getLayerSortMode | ( | layer | ) |
Gets the render sort mode for the specified layer.
layer | The layer to retrieve. |
Float getMaxFPS | ( | ) |
Gets the maximum average frames-per-second.
Float getMinFPS | ( | ) |
Gets the minimum average frames-per-second.
Float getMotorJointAngularOffset | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets angularOffset between the bodies.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
String getMotorJointLinearOffset | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the linear offset in sceneObjectA space.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getMotorJointMaxForce | ( | jointId | ) |
Sets the maximum motor force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getMotorJointMaxTorque | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the maximum motor torque force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Integer getObject | ( | sceneObjectIndex | ) |
Gets the scene object at the selected index.
sceneObjectIndex | The index of the desired object |
Integer getPositionIterations | ( | ) |
Gets the number of position iterations the physics solver uses. (
String getPrismaticJointLimit | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets whether the joint has translational limits or not and the limits themselves.
String getPrismaticJointMotor | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets whether the joint has a motor or not and the motor settings.
Float getRevoluteJointAngle | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the current angle of a revolute joint.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
String getRevoluteJointLimit | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets whether the joint has angular limits or not and the limits themselves.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
String getRevoluteJointMotor | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets whether the joint has a motor or not and the motor settings.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getRevoluteJointSpeed | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the current speed of a revolute joint.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getRopeJointMaxLength | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the maximum rigid length of the rope.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
String getSceneObjectList | ( | ) |
Gets the Scene Object-List.
Boolean getScenePause | ( | ) |
Gets scene pause status.
Float getTargetJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | ) |
Sets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getTargetJointFrequency | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
String getTargetJointTarget | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the target world point for the scene object.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Integer getVelocityIterations | ( | ) |
Gets the number of velocity iterations the physics solver uses. (
Float getWeldJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getWeldJointFrequency | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getWheelJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Float getWheelJointFrequency | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
String getWheelJointMotor | ( | jointId | ) |
Gets whether the joint has a motor or not and the motor settings.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
Boolean isJoint | ( | int | jointId | ) |
Gets whether the joint Id is valid or not.
jointId | The Id of the joint. |
void mergeScene | ( | scene | ) |
Merges the specified scene into this scene by cloning the scenes contents.
String pickArea | ( | startx/ | y, |
endx/ | y | ||
) |
Picks objects intersecting the specified area with optional group/layer masks.
startx/y | The coordinates of the start point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
endx/y | The coordinates of the end point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
sceneGroupMask | Optional scene group mask. (-1) or empty string selects all groups. |
sceneLayerMask | Optional scene layer mask. (-1) or empty string selects all layers. |
pickMode | Optional mode 'any', 'aabb', 'oobb' or 'collision' (default is 'oobb'). |
String pickCircle | ( | x/ | y, |
radius | |||
) |
Picks objects intersecting the specified circle with optional group/layer masks.
x/y | The coordinate of the point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
radius | The radius of the circle. |
sceneGroupMask | Optional scene group mask. (-1) or empty string selects all groups. |
sceneLayerMask | Optional scene layer mask. (-1) or empty string selects all layers. |
pickMode | Optional mode 'any', 'aabb', 'oobb' or 'collision' (default is 'ooabb'). |
String pickPoint | ( | x/ | y | ) |
Picks objects intersecting the specified point with optional group/layer masks.
x/y | The coordinate of the point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
sceneGroupMask | Optional scene group mask. (-1) or empty string selects all groups. |
sceneLayerMask | Optional scene layer mask. (-1) or empty string selects all layers. |
pickMode | Optional mode 'any', 'aabb', 'oobb' or 'collision' (default is 'ooabb'). |
String pickRay | ( | startx/ | y, |
endx/ | y | ||
) |
Picks objects intersecting the specified ray with optional group/layer masks.
startx/y | The coordinates of the start point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
endx/y | The coordinates of the end point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
sceneGroupMask | Optional scene group mask. (-1) or empty string selects all groups. |
sceneLayerMask | Optional scene layer mask. (-1) or empty string selects all layers. |
pickMode | Optional mode 'any', 'aabb', 'oobb' or 'collision' (default is 'oobb'). |
String pickRayCollision | ( | startx/ | y, |
endx/ | y | ||
) |
Picks objects with collision shapes intersecting the specified ray with optional group/layer masks. Unlike other pick methods, this returns the complete detail for each object encountered, returning the collision point, normal and fraction of the ray intersection.
startx/y | The coordinates of the start point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
endx/y | The coordinates of the end point as either (\x y\ or (x,y) |
sceneGroupMask | Optional scene group mask. (-1) or empty string selects all groups. |
sceneLayerMask | Optional scene layer mask. (-1) or empty string selects all layers. |
void remove | ( | sceneObject | ) |
Remove the SceneObject from the scene.
sceneObject | The SceneObject to remove from the scene. |
void removeAssetPreload | ( | assetId | ) |
Removes the asset Id from being preloaded when the scene is loaded. The asset may be unloaded immediately by this operation if it has no other references.
assetId | The asset Id to be removed. |
void resetDebugStats | ( | ) |
Resets the debug statistics.
void setBatchingEnabled | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Sets whether render batching is enabled or not.
enabled | Whether render batching is enabled or not. return No return value. |
void setDebugOff | ( | debugOptions | ) |
Sets Debug options(s) off.
debugOptions | Either a list of debug modes to turn off (comma-separated) or a string (space-separated) |
void setDebugOn | ( | debugOptions | ) |
Sets Debug option(s) on.
debugOptions | Either a list of debug modes (comma-separated), or a string with the modes (space-separated) |
void setDebugSceneObject | ( | sceneObject | ) |
Sets the scene object to monitor in the debug metrics.
SceneObject | The scene object to monitor in the debug metrics. |
void setDistanceJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | , |
dampingRatio | |||
) |
Sets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
dampingRatio | The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. |
void setDistanceJointFrequency | ( | jointId | , |
frequency | |||
) |
Sets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
frequency | The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 disables softness. |
void setDistanceJointLength | ( | jointId | , |
length | |||
) |
Sets the distance the joint should maintain between scene objects.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
length | The length the joint should maintain between scene objects. |
void setFrictionJointMaxForce | ( | jointId | , |
maxForce | |||
) |
Sets the maximum friction force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
maxForce | The maximum friction force (N). |
void setFrictionJointMaxTorque | ( | jointId | , |
maxTorque | |||
) |
Sets the maximum torque force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
maxTorque | The maximum torque force (N). |
void setGravity | ( | forceX/ | forceY | ) |
The gravity force to apply to all objects in the scene.
forceX/forceY | The direction and magnitude of the force in each direction. Formatted as either (\forceX forceY\ or (forceX, forceY) |
void setIsEditorScene | ( | ) |
Sets whether this is an editor scene.
void setLayerSortMode | ( | layer | , |
sortMode | |||
) |
Sets the layer to use the specified render sort mode.
layer | The layer to modify. |
sortMode | The sort mode to use on the specified layer. |
void setMotorJointAngularOffset | ( | jointId | , |
angularOffset | |||
) |
Sets the angularOffset between the bodies.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
angularOffset | The angularOffset between the bodies. |
void setMotorJointLinearOffset | ( | jointId | , |
linearOffset X/ | Y | ||
) |
Sets the linear offset in sceneObjectA space.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
linearOffsetX/Y | The linear offset in sceneObjectA space. |
void setMotorJointMaxForce | ( | jointId | , |
maxForce | |||
) |
Sets the maximum motor force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
maxForce | The maximum motor force (N). |
void setMotorJointMaxTorque | ( | jointId | , |
maxTorque | |||
) |
Sets the maximum motor torque force.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
maxTorque | The maximum motor torque force (N). |
void setPositionIterations | ( | int | iterations | ) |
Sets the number of position iterations the physics solver uses.
void setPrismaticJointLimit | ( | jointId | , |
enableLimit | |||
) |
Sets whether the joint has translational limits or not and the limits themselves.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
enableLimit | Whether the joint has angular limits or not. |
lowerTranslation | The lower translation limit. |
upperTranslation | The upper translation limit. |
void setPrismaticJointMotor | ( | jointId | , |
enableMotor | |||
) |
Sets whether the joint has a motor or not and the motor settings.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
enableMotor | Whether the joint has a motor or not. |
motorSpeed | The motor speed (degrees per/sec). |
maxMotorForce | The maximum motor force used to achieve the specified motor speed (N-m). |
void setRevoluteJointLimit | ( | jointId | , |
enableLimit | |||
) |
Sets whether the joint has angular limits or not and the limits themselves.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
enableLimit | Whether the joint has angular limits or not. |
lowerAngle | The lower angle of the angular limit. |
upperAngle | The upper angle of the angular limit. |
void setRevoluteJointMotor | ( | jointId | , |
enableMotor | |||
) |
Sets whether the joint has a motor or not and the motor settings.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
enableMotor | Whether the joint has a motor or not. |
motorSpeed | The motor speed (degrees per/sec). |
maxMotorTorque | The maximum motor torque used to achieve the specified motor speed (N-m). |
void setRopeJointMaxLength | ( | jointId | , |
maxLength | |||
) |
Sets the maximum rigid length of the rope.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
maxLength | The maximum rigid length of the rope. |
void setScenePause | ( | status | ) |
Sets scene pause status.
void setTargetJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | , |
dampingRatio | |||
) |
Sets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
dampingRatio | The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. |
void setTargetJointFrequency | ( | jointId | , |
frequency | |||
) |
Sets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
frequency | The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 disables softness. |
void setTargetJointTarget | ( | jointId | , |
worldTarget X/ | Y | ||
) |
Sets the target world point for the scene object.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
worldTarget | The target world point to move the scene object to. |
void setVelocityIterations | ( | int | iterations | ) |
Sets the number of velocity iterations the physics solver uses.
void setWeldJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | , |
dampingRatio | |||
) |
Sets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
dampingRatio | The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. |
void setWeldJointFrequency | ( | jointId | , |
frequency | |||
) |
Sets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
frequency | The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 disables softness. |
void setWheelJointDampingRatio | ( | jointId | , |
dampingRatio | |||
) |
Sets the damping ratio.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
dampingRatio | The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. |
void setWheelJointFrequency | ( | jointId | , |
frequency | |||
) |
Sets the mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
frequency | The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 disables softness. |
void setWheelJointMotor | ( | jointId | , |
enableMotor | |||
) |
Sets whether the joint has a motor or not and the motor settings.
jointId | The Id of the joint to use. |
enableMotor | Whether the joint has a motor or not. |
motorSpeed | The motor speed (degrees per/sec). |
maxMotorTorque | The maximum motor torque used to achieve the specified motor speed (N-m). |